eliot & drew bike through india for 3 months, trying to inconspicuously do some good in the world.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

4 Days to Go-Time

Here's a summary of Eliot's countdown week:

Yesterday: We weighed our checked luggage (see: bag of pannier bags) at Kinkos FedEx ( the guy there really gave us the hairy eyeball, too) - after a quick wager between Drew and I about the total cumulative weight of our non-bike stuff (he said 40-something, I said over 50 lbs), the bags came out to just about 41 lbs. Point Drew - he's definitely going to the showcase-showdown now.

Last night: Fabulous party at Cameron's folks' house (your Mom is a premium dancer). Ended up in a very cold swimming pool. Good night, amen.

Today: Packed up my junk, i.e. worldly possessions, into the back of the car and ready to take it down to my Grandparent's house for storage.

Tonight: Put my bike and anything else under 50 lbs in the giant shipping box that we'll be using to check our bags on our Emirates flight to Dubai in 4 days.


Tomorrow and Tuesday: Breakfast at Chuy's with Grandfather, dominoes and Trivial Pursuit with Grandmother, quality time with Merlin.

Wednesday: Hop a bus to Houston, meet with my cousins and spend the night. More Trivial Pursuit, hopefully.

Thursday: AIRPORT!!!! Adios, 'mer-cuh, hola Dubai and India-na-na-na-na-na-na

Time's up, let's do this!

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