eliot & drew bike through india for 3 months, trying to inconspicuously do some good in the world.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Bangalore home tour


  1. Yea!! you are out of the tent for a while. Loved the tour of the house. Have a great time. Need Cliff Bars? Love Mom

  2. so I guess you're booking a flight from Bangalore to San Antonio. stay well, my friends.

  3. jon - hang tight there are some amazing motorcycle pics coming up soon. we found these guys who do 2 and 4 stroke restoration and their going to hook us up with jawas, enfields, nortons, etc.

    a restored 1970s jawa? $1300 here. (droooool). coming home on a czech bike in 74 days and counting ...

  4. The only way you could make me any more envois right now is if you attended the Shuttle launch on the way home.

  5. accomadations here have, in general been excellent. some of the places have resemebled bomb shelters but most are very nice. people's homes are stellar in their comfort and cleanliness! india is truly a country that prides itself on keeping a nice home. boosh's house is no exception - in fact, maybe a cut above.

    but yeah, the western toilet is appreciated. not sure i'd say "actual." indian toilets are pretty awesome and, like the bath, suprisingly comfortable once you get used to it!
